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Size Bias in the Adult World
By: MaryAnn - 10 May 2012 - 0 Comments

I was home one day recently following oral surgery.  There was no way I was going to work that day feeling the way I did; heck, I didn’t even feel like taking a shower. [...]

Size Bias
By: MaryAnn - 02 April 2012 - 0 Comments

There is a great deal of talk today about childhood obesity, and while that is true, we need to find a happy medium between focusing on a healthy weight and encouraging girls to hyper [...]

Was It Cyberbullying or Something Else?
By: Andrea - 19 March 2012 - 0 Comments

About a month ago I wrote a post about the jury selection for the Dharun Ravi trial. Mr. Ravi was the roommate of Tyler Celementi and this trial focused not on his role in Clementi’s September [...]

Taking a Look at Seclusion and Restraint in Schools: The Impact of Physical Reactions to Violence
By: Andrea - 14 March 2012 - 0 Comments

A lot of what we focus on here on Bullying Education revolves around the prevention of bullying behavior through positive role modeling and systematic regulations about violence, both physical and otherwise, within our schools. [...]

By: Andrea - 29 February 2012 - 0 Comments

I was working on a blog post this weekend in which I planned to do something lighter, more upbeat and encouraging about our fight against bullying. Then it was Monday. I got home from [...]

Girls Groups to End Relational Aggression
By: MaryAnn - 23 February 2012 - 0 Comments

In an article on September 21, 2011 entitled Relational Aggression, Part 1, I examined the “clique”. By the end of second grade girls begin to form tight knit little groups led by one strong [...]

Tragedy Remembered: Tyler Clementi
By: Andrea - 21 February 2012 - 0 Comments

This morning on our sister site, ChildsWork, I posted a plea published by a colleague of mine, Peter DeWitt, that asked educators to remember the special plight of LGBT youth when walking the halls of [...]

What Do Elementary Kids Believe About Bullying?
By: MaryAnn - 15 February 2012 - 0 Comments

Two weeks ago I wrote a blog concerning statistics and what students in middle school understand about bullying. Despite having classroom guidance lessons since kindergarten, the students I surveyed in a middle school had [...]

How Is Bullying Behavior Portrayed in the Media Aimed at Teens and Tweens?
By: Andrea - 10 February 2012 - 0 Comments

One of the best aspects of my job as a freelance writer is the diversity of material that I get to research and discover on a daily and weekly basis. As an education blogger, [...]

Free Speech and Bullying Debate Continued with Twitter Account
By: Andrea - 03 February 2012 - 0 Comments

Last week I wrote about several cases currently working their way through the justice system that involve bullying that occurs outside of school grounds, yet is intricately related to the in-school environment. On the heels [...]