Archive for 'November,2011'
Five ways to deflect bullying behaviors for children
Have you heard the phrase ‘victim mentality’? This is the aura that some people can give off when they are low in confidence, which is thought to attract predators such as bullies by showing undisguised weakness. [...]
Teachers and Bullying Follow-Up: Defining “Motivation”
Many of you are likely aware of the recent news story regarding a New Jersey special education teacher who was caught on camera bullying one of his students. For those of you unaware of the story, take some [...]
Books for Children, Adolescents and Adults about Bullying
This list has been compiled over the last 15 years as I have worked in bullying prevention education. Most of these books are located on my shelves both at home and school and the websites are [...]
Is All Bullying the Same?
Last week, the Michigan Senate approved an anti-bullying law that aimed to crack down on the problem of bullying in schools by making it illegal and clearly punishable by law. For those of us actively working towards increasing awareness of [...]
Teachers and Bullying Part 3: When Parents Bully Teachers
Since I posted my initial series on teachers and bullying two weeks ago, the response has been amazing. Thank you all so much for your insight, concern and stories. Your comments have also led me to explore one [...]
“That’s so retarded!” What!!??
Maybe I am just a little more tuned in to this because I was a special ed. teacher earlier in my career, or maybe because a dear friend of ours has an intellectual disability, but I am [...]
The Story of the Three Little Girls
Once there were three little girls, Kathy, Lilly and Susan. They were all new to my school in the seventh grade and had come from different schools. But in eighth grade, when they were together, they [...]