Size Bias
April 02, 2012 - (0) commentsThere is a great deal of talk today about childhood obesity, and while that is true, we need to find a happy medium between focusing on a healthy weight and encouraging girls to hyper focus on thinness. We seem to […]

Was It Cyberbullying or Something Else?
March 19, 2012 - (0) commentsAbout a month ago I wrote a post about the jury selection for the Dharun Ravi trial. Mr. Ravi was the roommate of Tyler Celementi and this trial focused not on his role in Clementi’s September 2010 suicide, but rather the invasion […]

Taking a Look at Seclusion and Restraint in Schools: The Impact of Physical Reactions to Violence
March 14, 2012 - (0) commentsA lot of what we focus on here on Bullying Education revolves around the prevention of bullying behavior through positive role modeling and systematic regulations about violence, both physical and otherwise, within our schools. But how do those policies relate […]

Tragedy Remembered: Tyler Clementi
February 21, 2012 - (0) commentsThis morning on our sister site, ChildsWork, I posted a plea published by a colleague of mine, Peter DeWitt, that asked educators to remember the special plight of LGBT youth when walking the halls of high schools. I felt that Peter’s […]
Latest Articles

A lot of questions have arisen lately about the statistics of bullying. People often wonder if we are blowing things out of proportion. Does it really happen? Do programs focusing on prevention really work? [...]

Starting today, the U.K.-based non-profit BeatBullying is staging a virtual march to the UN. Approximately 2 million supporters will create anti-bullying banners and digital avatars that will march across the internet on nearly 100 sites that [...]

Cyberbullying is no doubt one of the biggest issues facing teachers, counselors, parents and students today. As research continues to surface about the horribly detrimental effects that bullying has on long-term mental health, the [...]

I remember watching Saturday morning cartoons and being horrified by the coyote trying to squash the road runner with an anvil only to have it backfire on him. I hated the fact that the [...]

The beginning of the year has already brought some great news to many bullying prevention efforts in Colorado. At the January 3rd school board meeting, district 70 in Pueblo County agreed to become the second district in [...]

I was giving a presentation tonight to a committee in hopes they would recommend a comprehensive bullying prevention program for all schools in our district to the school board. When all schools in the [...]

When those engaged in bullying prevention report statistics, they will always report on those doing the bullying. Sometimes they report statistics pertaining to those being bullied. One set of statistics which is difficult to [...]

We all know that bullying in school has become a problem that is gaining increased press in recent years. At first, much of the outcry against bullying centered on the “part of life” notion that adults are feign [...]

What happens to bullies when they grow up? They grow out of it, right? No; unfortunately they do not. Children who do not learn how to interact appropriately with others before they reach the [...]

Working in both schools and clinical settings, I have had the opportunity to work with many people who were bullied as children. The adults often times come in suffering from depression, anxiety or other [...]
In Other News

What Do Kids Really Know About Bullying?
February 01, 2012
Relational Aggression, Part 1: The Clique
September 21, 2011
What Do Elementary Kids Believe About Bullying?
February 15, 2012